Eaton Metal is a privately owned business that has been incorporated under the same management for (4) generations!
A.N. Eaton General Store Opens
Albert Nathaniel Eaton opens the A.N. Eaton General Store in the Arizona territory, it remains open until the end of the mining boom in 1898.
Read moreA.N. Eaton moves his General Store to Kansas
A.N. Eaton moves his General Store to Kansas, where it remained until 1903. In Kansas, Mr. Eaton purchases the rights to a stock watering tank from a nearby tin shop, this purchase launches Eaton into the metal fabrication business.
Read moreNebraska & Iowa Steel Company forms in Omaha, NE
Nebraska & Iowa Steel Company is formed at 24 South Grant Street in Omaha, NE. Eaton manufactures water & grain tanks at this location until 1910, growing orders forces the company to a larger facility.
Read moreDenver plant moves to 4800 York St.
The Denver plant moves to 4800 York St., where it currently operates today.
Read moreGasoline station pump & tank business begins
The beginning of the gasoline service station pump & tank business. Denver acquires ASME “U” Stamp #74, which we still possess today! WWII – heavily involved prior to the U.S. entering the war Plant thrives as US Navy contracts move from California to Colorado
Read moreNew products fill the shops
New products fill the shops, heavy focus on ASME vessels, bulk plants in the gasoline, oil & LPG business, service station equipment & pumps, tanks of all types & sizes, as well as grain bins. Salt Lake City plant acquires ASME “U” stamp
Read moreOur focus expands
Focus is on silos, storage tanks & tunnels for missile bases, pressure vessels, towers & tanks for the petrochemical & fertilizer industry, power plant projects & casing for nuclear testing. Purchase of Ajax Iron Works & it’s Truco product line
Read moreFocus is on petrochemical pressure vessels
Focus is on petrochemical pressure vessels & towers, fertilizer tanks, pollution control equipment, flat panels & precipitators for power plants, field erected tanks & silos, penstock & piping, oil field tanks & treaters, tubular galleries, as well as bents & towers for power & cement plants. Salt Lake City Plant acquires ASME “R” stamp
Read moreFocus is on tanks, pressure vessels & towers for petrochemical industry
Focus is on tanks, pressure vessels & towers for petrochemical industry, penstock & piping, oil field tanks & treaters, field erected tanks & silos, heat exchangers, pressure vessels for the mining industry & casing for nuclear testing. Installation of the Bertsch #32 (2 ½” X 12′) Plate Roll Move into heavy wall vessel fabrication Fabrication of the first autoclave used for processing gold from sulfide ore
Read moreThe mining industry boom generates several major projects
The mining industry boom generates several major projects that include (8) autoclaves, approx. (32) large support vessels, petrochemical tanks, pressure vessels & pipe & piling. Installation of the Bertsch #40 (6 ½” X 13′-4″) plate roll Fabrication of the first (2) hydrotreater reactors in the United States, using the single pass RES (Resistance Electroslag) process Fabrication of The Heaviest Object To Be Transported On The Federal Highway System – an autoclave measuring 76′ long x 22’6″ in dia. & weighing approx. 1,000,000 lbs! Manufacturing plant opens in Pocatello, Idaho, significantly increasing heavy wall vessel capacity with it’s stress relieving furnace & additional crane capacity!
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