Eaton Metal Products Company utilizes its (3) large, production facilities in Denver, Colorado, Salt Lake City, Utah & Pocatello, Idaho to fabricate a wide variety of vessels & tanks. Each of these facilities offers up-to-date equipment, aiding us in meeting the needs of the most demanding customer specifications.
We are positioned to serve the entire United States & the rest of the world, with the Rocky Mountain region being the most accessible. All of our shops are served by both truck & rail & equipped to allow us flexibility in scheduling & product flow. For a closer look at each of these facilities, click on the location for details.
Denver, Colorado
First opened in 1924, Denver is our Corporate Headquarters, with our engineering, sales, estimating, accounting & administration offices. At 64,000 sq.ft. & situated on 19 acres, the Denver plant handles all UL & API storage tank work, as well as ASME vessel & repair related jobs.
Pocatello, Idaho
Our largest facility at 84,000 sq. ft., Pocatello is where the assembly & completion of our largest projects occurs. With lift capacity up to 550 tons, our Post Weld Heat Treat oven, 42′ under the hook & a 90′ x 600′ outside crane way, this is where Autoclaves are born!
Salt Lake City, Utah
Our Salt Lake City shop is dedicated to ASME vessel work where our rail line runs directly into the plant, allowing direct receipt of material. Crane capacity is up to 100 tons, with 32′ under the hook. The shop includes three large rolls, the largest of which can handle material up to 6″ thick.